Week 1 – Setting up your 8-week SMART goal with weekly objectives. A review of the main tools acquired during MOVING FORWARD I. Goals and Objectives of MOVING FORWARD II – professional and personal development. What you learned in MOVING FORWARD I.
Week 2 – Make presentations to participants convincing them the MOVING FORWARD II 8-week goal is on purpose for you. What challenges will you encounter and how will you overcome them? List three of your strengths. List three of your ineffective behaviors and how you would like us to address them.
Week 3 – Professional goal progress report and Personal Self Development Progress. Celebrate what works and indicate solutions for what does not work. Setting up five KPIs (key performance indicators) for your professional objective and three KSDIs (key self-development indicators) for the Mastership of your Personal Learning. How to overcome specific barriers.
Week 4 – Professional goal progress report and Personal Self Development Progress. The Purpose of the exercise > Behavioral Matrix and How to Identify People Behavioral Position – rating form is filled out by three different people; how to convert the Rating Results to a position on the Behavioral Sixteen Quadrant. Matrix Behavioral Descriptives are given out for assessment.
Week 5 – Professional goal progress report and Personal Self Development Progress. Celebrate what works and indicate solutions for what does not work. The Purpose of the exercise > The Matrix Behavioral Descriptives are assessed and confirmed for Self-Evaluation. The meaning of Quadrant Differences. What each quadrant needs to learn for personal optimization. How to address each different Behavioral Quadrant.
Week 6 – Professional goal progress report and Personal Self Development Progress. Celebrate what works and indicate solutions for what does not work. The Purpose of the exercise > The Task Versus Relationship Management Diagram. How to distinguish and quantify the Task/Relationship Characteristics of each individual. How to address individuals based on their Task/Relationship Components.
Week 7 – Professional goal progress report and Personal Self Development Progress. Celebrate what works and indicate solutions for what does not work. The world of Dreams and how to navigate them. The meaning of Dreams as they warn us of lack of consistency of alignment. Dream assignments.
Week 8 – Celebrate what has worked works and the achievement of your objectives during the program. Lessons learned and your future potential.
Program Fees for eight Sessions plus weekly dedicated coaching: $650.00
Graduates of MOVING FORWARD I, receive a 60% discount off this price.
A $650 program, 60% discount ($250) when placed in the cart at checkout for graduates of MOVING FORWARD I. TO PURCHASE: make sure to ask us for Promo Code: Click on Add to Cart then - Click on View Cart enter Promo Code on the left before checking out, The total cost of $250 will be applied. Then Place order!
If you did not receive what we promised you in the program you may apply for a Complete Refund.